paci civil id delivery 2023 Kuwait

Civil id delivery Kuwait Time and Process and how to submit requests for the home delivery you can get details in this article. The civil card delivery link is used by citizens and residents on Kuwaiti lands to go to this service directly without the need to visit any of the other Internet pages, and Kuwaitis and residents can go to the General Authority for Civil Information website and book an appointment in advance to receive civil cards instead of the paid delivery service When desired.

Civil id delivery Request At your Door Step or Office Address

Now It’s easy to submit the Request for delivery of your civil id card. Nowadays every official and Non-Officials service gives you online access to their own websites. Where you can read all the interactions about that service. So, Today we are going to explain Kuwait Paci civil id card Delivery Service. Let’s Start,

  • First of All, You have to Open the Paci Delivery Service Website. You can open this website through Google or Direct from this website. ( )
  •  When you will reach the Paci Delivery website you will see this type of page which also shows you the snapshot. Here all the details about the current service are described you can read all the details and info about delivery service.
  • Now Scroll Down the Mouse and click on it to check the box which is given on the current page. After that simply click on the Start button on the current page.

Civil id Delivery Step 1

  • Let’s start the next step in which you have to add your civil id number and serial code. It’s easy to write these details so don’t worry. Simply Take your old civil id Card and write that number into the first box and then write the serial number into the second box. After that click on to add button. You can see the snapshot of this step below here.

NOTE: Serial Number written on the Back Side of your Civil id Card.

  • When you Will click to Add the button. You are Civil id Details showdown in the given details box area. Here you can check the Current Fees of Delivery and  Review the Civil id card number. After that click on the Start button. After Clicking on Start Button you will see this type of Page which is shown in the snapshot below here.
  • Here You can see the Require Details on the Paci Delivery Website. So, in the given snapshot you can see you have to write the Name, Phone number, Email Address, and Language. Moreover, You have to also select the delivery time in the first details require column.
  • Into the Next Section of Require Details. You have to write the address details of your civil id card delivery. You can select ” Civil id Card Address” Basically it’s that address that is written on Your old Card. or you can also write another Paci Address. It’s easy to into this Box you have to Write your Building Paci Address.
  • If you can’t know your Building Paci address. Then don’t worry. into the Building’s main Gate mostly the paci address written on the Wall. You can read from there.
  • If you want to add a manual address then you can also do this. You have to select the third option and then simply write your Details.
  • When you will Click on the Next button. A new page shows on the screen. Where you have to confirm your Details of the paci id card delivery if all the details are correct. Then click on the Next button.
  • You will receive a pop-up notification that you’re going to redirect to the payment page. Simply wait for a few seconds. After the payment page opened here write the card details and pay the fees for card delivery. complete the transaction and print your receipt or you can also save it into the current device.
  • After a few days, you will receive your Paci Civil id Card.

Old Method For Civil id Delivery

Now you can easily submit a request for your Civil id card with the simple following steps,

  • Open your Mobile or computer browser. Search For delivery paci gov kw or click to this link address. ( )
  •  Read all the given terms and services details for the delivery. Now click to accept these terms and services by the delivery company. You can see the snapshot of this step mentioned above down this line.


  • Now please click on the delivery Request Button on the paci website web page. More easily understand you can view the snapshot of this step.


  • Now Here you have to write your civil id card number with also the serial number. Please write both your civil id card and serial number both and click on to add button.


  • where you can find the serial numbers on the civil id cards about this you can view the snapshot of this step.


  • Now in this step, you have to fill in the required details as your contact and address information. it’s normally not hard to fill an available box. So, write accurate information into the given boxes and then click on the Next button. A snapshot of this step is also mentioned above this line,


  • Now when you will click on the Next button. A new page of the civil delivery paci website opened which reviews your details page. Here you have to review and verify your details. please check your details that you have entered the correct details on the website. Now click on the Next button you can also check the snapshot of this step.


  • Now here you have to select the available payment method. You can select any banking payment method. After that simply write your payment details and click to submit button.


  • After completing this action. You will get a print slip webpage. where you can download or save your payment slip. you can also see the snapshot of this step.

The delivery cost of Your civil id card in Kuwait is 2 KWD. Normally Delivery reaches you in two working days at your home address or given address.

Easy Steps for Civil id Card Delivery Status

After Submitting a request for civil id card delivery. you can also check your delivery status through these simple available steps.

  1. First of all, you have to open a mobile or computer browser.
  2. After that simply Search in google for Delivery paci Civil id card Status or visit this link ( )
  3. Now Here write your civil id card number and click on to search button.
  4. Your Civil id Card status details will be at the front of your screen.

civil id card delivery

civil id card delivery The Public Authority for Civil Information in the State of Kuwait undertakes several tasks and specializations, the most prominent of which are: the issuance and renewal of civil cards for residents and citizens in addition to registering newborns and collecting all fees related to this information through approved electronic payment channels, and the authority has also been keen to provide many information services through Its official website, including the service of inquiring about the status of the card and the service of inquiring about the civil number for expatriates.

paci civil id delivery

paci civil id delivery The Public Authority for Civil Information in the State of Kuwait announced the launch of the civil cards service to citizens and residents, starting on Thursday 12 / November / 2020 AD, and the authority stated that the speed of card delivery depends on the arrangement procedures with the approved delivery team It is worth noting that the delivery service is one of the services that aim to limit the mixing of customers to ensure control of the spread of the Corona epidemic in Kuwait.

paci civil id delivery appointment

paci civil id delivery appointment All citizens and residents of Kuwaiti territory can follow the following steps to benefit from the civil ID delivery service:

  • Visit the website of the Civil Information Authority “ From here ”.
  • Click on the civil card delivery service from the interface.
  • Read all terms and conditions then agree to them.
  • Click on the blue start service icon.
  • Fill in all the information required by the system.
  • Payment of connection fees via the K-net channel.
  • Wait for the user to receive a call from the delivery company.

Civil ID delivery fees to homes in Kuwait

Civil ID delivery fees The Public Authority for Civil Information in Kuwait stated that the civil card delivery service is one of the services paid by the beneficiary without the authority bearing any of these costs, and the delivery fee reaches 2 Kuwaiti dinars, and all citizens and residents can deliver More than one card to the same address and pay a fee of 0.25 Kuwaiti dinars for each additional card instead of paying two dinars.

How to Submit Request for Civil ID delivery in Kuwait

Civil ID delivery  We can go to the civil card delivery service in Kuwait “ from here ” directly instead of booking an appointment to visit the Civil Information Authority to receive the card after renewing or issuing it. Citizens and residents of Kuwait click on the link to deliver the civil card to their homes, then agree to all terms and conditions related to this service, so that they can fill in their information, pay the delivery fees, and then wait until the responsible company delivers the card without having to leave the house.